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- 04/11/16 Slipping your pen test pastantivirus protection with Veil-Evasion
The Veil pen-testing platform provides some powerful tools that will
hide your attack from antivirus scanners – and Veil even supports
Metasploit payloads. Veil is a penetration-testing framework that was originally designed to
evade antivirus protection on the target system. Since its …
- 07/16/15 WildFire and FlowScape are powerful new tools for intrusion detection
Powerful services like WildFire and FlowScape can help you defend against a new generation of persistent network attacks.The original network intruders were often misfit geeks
operating from boredom or a need for thrills. As businesses went online,
a new kind of intruder arose – a thief, poking …
- 05/20/14 International Blackshades Malware Takedown
05/19/14Today, representatives from the FBI New
York Field Office and the U.S. Attorney Office for the Southern
District of New York announced the results of a cyber takedown, which
included the unsealing of an indictment against Swedish national Alex
Yucel and the guilty plea of U.S. citize…
- 10/11/13 Channel Your Inner Hacker and Other Cyber Security Suggestions
Its coming your way. Today.Network penetration. Phishing. Data theft. And other forms of hacking mischief.Its not a question of if. Its a question of when. And so you
need to know what youre going to do when badness happens. Which is why
cyber security drills come in handy.Its also helpful to ch…
- 12/14/12 Deep Packet Inspection with Wireshark
We would like to welcome you all to the new Hakin9 on Demand. This
month, we will take another shot at the renown protocol analyzer
Wireshark. For starters, Nitish Mehta will walk you through the tool
itself. More advanced users will find RIFECs Massimiliano Sembiante
focusing on analysis on…
- 11/08/12 Cyber Security roundtable at SDDT
Many small businesses do not
understand the importance of cybersecurity, and as a result, they are
putting larger companies and government agencies at risk.
A group of cybersecurity professionals with public and
private sector clients recently met at a roundtable discussion at The Da…
- 09/05/12 Wireshark article makes cover story for issue #143 of Linux-Pro
My latest article on Wireshark made it to Issue #143 / Oct 2012 issue of Linux-Pro Cover Theme: Intrusion Prevention. Reading a packet capture file with Wireshark and tshark 'Needle in a Haystack'. Wireshark doesn't just work in real time. If you save a history of network activity in a pcap file …
- 06/28/12 Metasploit tips article in Admin #9
My next article for Admin Network & Security magazine is a tutorial on Metasploit tips for the pen-tester. The powerful Metasploit framework helps you see your network as an
intruder would see it. You might discover it is all too easy to get past
your own defenses. available on newsstands …
- 06/07/12 Intruder detection article in Admin issue #8
The article is a tutorial on tcpdump which is a widely used and powerful
tool that captures, parses, and analyzes network traffic. With tcpdump,
you can analyze large binary files that are too large to view casually
with a tool like Wireshark by whittling your file down to only the
- 04/30/12 Penetration Testing and Shell Tossing with Metasploit article in Admin magazine
This article will walk you through how to use the latest version of the Nessus pre-built plugin filter Metasploit Framework in your penetration testing. You will get a glimpse at how pen testers use Metasploit to probe and penetrate a real-world system. I will also cover some useful Metasploit tips …
- 03/29/12 SANS gold paper
SANS has published our paper on 'Post Exploitation using Metasploit pivot & port forward' on the GIAC website and the SANS reading room.http://www.giac.org/certified-professional/david-dodd/121704http://www.sans.org/reading_room/last.phphttp://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/testing/…
- 02/23/12 Article published in Admin Issue 7: Xen vs. vSphere
David J. Dodd president and founder of pbnetworks has been published again in the new issue of Admin magazine issue #7. The article is a tutorial on tcpdump which is a widely used and powerful tool that captures, parses, and analyzes network traffic. With tcpdump, you can analyze large binary file…
- 01/10/12 Article on Attack Techniques
We got another article published in Admin Network & Security magazine this month. The article in on attack techniques using metasploit to bypass anti-virus. A skilled intruder who delivers a payload to your network in the form of an email message will want to make sure the payload can evade de…
- 12/19/11 Article published in issue #6 of Amin network & security magazine
David J. Dodd president and founder of pbnetworks Inc. has published his
second article in Admin Network & Security magazine in issue #6.
Issue #6 will be shipped to subscribers and available on newsstands
below:UK/Europe: December 19North America: January 13Australia: February 13The arti…
- 10/24/11 2nd article published in Admin Network & Security magazine
David J. Dodd president and founder of pbnetworks Inc. has published his second article in Admin Network & Security magazine in issue #5. Issue #5 will be shipped to subscribers and available on newsstands below:UK/Europe: October 17North America: November 11Australia: December 12The article is…
- 09/27/11 2nd article published in PenTest magazine
Article on Scanning Tools published in the September EXTRA Issue of PenTest magazine. David J. Dodd president and founder of pbnetworks Inc. takes a look at some of the most useful scanning tools freely available today and how to best use them. Get you copy here.…
- 09/07/11 Article published in Admin Network & Security magazine
Article on Arp Cache Poisoning and Packet Sniffing published in Admin Network & Security on-line magazine. David J. Dodd president and founder of pbnetworks Inc. discusses how arp cache poisoning on your local network segment works as well as sniffing traffic. This article covers a number of t…
- 07/12/11 Article published in ClubHACK Magazine
Article on Using Metasploit with Nessus Bridge on Ubuntu to be published in the July issue of ClubHACK Magazine. David J. Dodd president and founder of pbnetworks Inc. walks you through
how to use these features and more. Ever wondered how to use the autopwn feature in Metasploit on Unbuntu? Wa…
- 06/04/11 Article published in PenTestMag
Article on Post Exploitation Using Metasploit pivot and port forward command to be published in Pen Test Magazines June issue. David J. Dodd president and founder of pbnetworks Inc. walks you through how to use these features to penetrate and exploit a foreign network.Here is a teaser of the upcomi…
- 06/01/11 pbnetworks will be presenting at SDISSA on June 8th
SD ISSA General Membership Meeting 8 June 2011 - "Post Exploitation using Metasploit pivot & port forward"Speaker: Mr. David Dodd, Security Audit Specialist, pbnetworks, San Diego, CA Bio: Mr.
David Dodd has over 12 years experience in the field of network
security. His extensive mil…
- 03/14/11 Service Disabled Veteran owned small business verfified
The U.S. department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has verified our Service Disabled Veteran owned small business status.…
- 09/15/10 pbnetworks Inc. are panelists at the 3rd annual San Diego Regional Security Conference
The San Diego regional Security Conference, formerly known as the C4ISR, CyberSecurity, Robot Platforms & Sensors Conference took place on September 14, 2010. David J. Dodd, president and founder of pbnetworks Inc. was asked to be on a panel discussing "Intrusion Detection & Prevention". The m…
- 05/21/09 pbnetworks presents cybersecurity talk at The Security Summit 2009
- 05/21/09 pbnetworks is now an InfraGard Member
- 05/07/09 Team Partner with BAE on the GSA Alliant contract
The scope of the Alliant GWAC includes any and all components of an
integrated Information Technology (IT) solution, including all current
and any new technologies which may emerge during the life cycle of the
Contract and IT systems and services in support of National Security
Systems, as defin…
- 05/06/09 Service-Disabled Veteran-owned small business verification letter
- 05/06/09 pbnetworks-tri-fold
Here is some information on our services and background.…
- 05/06/09 Articles of Incorporation
Articles of Incorporation of pbnetworks Inc.Action by written consent of the incorporator of pbnetworks Inc, a California Corporation, as of April 22, 2009…
- 03/26/09 Second Contract with San Diego Airport Authority
pbnetworks has been awarded a second contract with the San Diego Airport Authority.…
- 03/10/09 San Diego International Airport Authority
pbnetworks has been awarded a contract with the San Diego Airport Authority.…
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